
A young boy stands in his bedroom. Although it will not be his birthday until the timer hits zero (0), he looks interesting anyways.What will the name of this young boy be?

    > Enter name.

    Enter name.

    Although it would be hilarious to name him something along the lines of DOOFUS BUTTSMELL, he already seems to have one! It would be extremely irresponsible to try to name an already named child.Why don’t you look around instead?

    > Examine room.

    Examine room.

    As was previously mentioned, your name is BANANA. You are a BISEXUAL TRANS MAN who uses HE/HIM PRONOUNS. Your room decorations are quite sparse; you don’t have a lot of them.You enjoy A LOT OF THINGS. One of your favorite pastimes is PLAYING VIDEOGAMES, and your favorites are currently POKÈMON and REGRETEVATOR. You are a fan of CTPENOK, the EXTREMELY REAL and NOT AT ALL NON EXISTENT WEBCOMIC that definitely is not JUST YOUR CHUM’S OCS. You also have your own ORIGINAL CHARACTERS that you talk about.You have a slight interest in CODING and COMPUTERS, but you can BARELY UNDERSTAND THEM. You find great comfort in learning about VIDEO GAME GLITCHES and SPEEDRUNNING. You have many ONLINE FRIENDS that you talk to often.Your zodiac sign is LEO, and your birthday is AUGUST 6TH.You are a HOMESTUCK fan, as if THAT WAS NOT OBVIOUS ENOUGH.

    > ==>


    Speaking of which, it looks like one of your chums is messaging you!

    > Banana: Check Pesterchum.

    Banana: Check Pesterchum.

    > Banana: Answer chum.

    Banana: Answer chum.

    > Banana: Show info.

    Banana: Answer chum.

    -- ghostlyThinker [GT] began pestering anxiousCommlinids [AG] at 4:13 PM
    [GT]: banana i gotta Tell you Somethin :3
    [AC]: wwhat is it
    [GT]: you totally forgot to Show everyone Reading this ur Dni and Byf!! :3
    [AC]: oh sshit yyoure rright i bbetter get on tthat
    [AC]: tthanks for rreminding me aggy i can always ccount on you
    [GT]: no Problem!! :3
    -- ghostlyThinker [GT] ceased pestering anxiousCommlinids [AG] at 4:14 PM

    > Banana: Show info.

    Banana: Show info.

    > ==>


    -basic dni aka no bigotry obviously
    -friends with chunky or jenny. if you don't know who i'm talking about, you're probably fine
    -i dont think this needs to be said given the carrd but if ur uncomfy with homestuck (or any of my other interests)
    -people who extensively engage in queer discourse
    -nsfw accounts (i am a minor)
    -ed/sh twt/tok i dont need that shit here
    -i post about my interests a lot
    -all opinions shared on posts are my own (unless otherwise stated)
    -i draw sometimes
    -i do not have a regular posting schedule at all so i can either go weeks without posting or post 4 times in one day
    -i rarely ever use my twitter, tumblr, or reddit. i'm mostly active on tiktok
    -i am @bananaboye12 on all social media platforms stated above. sorry im not providing links because im sure you're capable of looking them up yourself.

    > Finish Carrd.

    Finish Carrd.

    thank you for reading this all the way through! if you want to follow my tiktok you can click there!
    if not, click here to return to the main page.